
Download active game time is required to play wow classic
Download active game time is required to play wow classic

download active game time is required to play wow classic

You’ll need to make a choice of which game type you’d like to play each of your available characters on.

download active game time is required to play wow classic

Burning Crusade Classic realms will contain all the new Burning Crusade game systems including the blood elf and draenei races which will become available with the pre-expansion patch release. WoW Classic will direct you to the new Classic Era realms which will have the latest phase of WoW Classic content in it and will not progress into any WoW expansion content. Once the pre-expansion patch has gone live, players will see a choice of WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic within the desktop app.

download active game time is required to play wow classic

With the release of the Burning Crusade Classic pre-expansion patch, players will be presented with a choice for each of their existing WoW Classic characters: to progress to the Burning Crusade era along with the rest of the Horde and Alliance heroes on their realm, or to continue adventuring in the original WoW Classic content on all-new “Classic Era” servers. During the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic Deep Dive panel at BlizzConline, lead producer Holly Longdale, production director Patrick Dawson, and lead software engineer Brian Birmingham discussed what players could expect when the Burning Crusade Classic releases in 2021. With Burning Crusade Classic ™, players will be provided a choice of taking their characters beyond Azeroth and through the Dark Portal into Outland or staying in Azeroth-for all time.

Download active game time is required to play wow classic